Sunday, July 13, 2014


You know your feline family members have settled in when. They start learning bad habits from one another.

Ever since Darwin settled down and began to trust and love me he stuck to me like glue and followed me everywhere. Yes, even to the "throne room"....

Sometimes my bedroom is forbidden to him because I need some privacy. Namely, to sleep in peace without having to referee a feline version of a WWF cage fight match.....

However, I've noticed lately that when he knows I'm headed up the hall to my bedroom, Darwin will dash up the hallway, sit and wait at my bedroom door. Yes, like a dog! When I open the door, up he jumps up on to his favorite corner on my bed. I'll leave the door open and Shadow will slink in a minute or so later and join him.

But, I've noticed for the past few weeks Darwin has been doing what I call "The Kitty Bum Rush". Meaning as soon as I open the door a crack, he will rush in like a defensive linebacker! This has become very annoying especially when I must leave for work, or any other outside activity, as I keep my bedroom door closed. I've learned from previous feline house mates that they will absolutely trash my bedroom, so......

Previously I thought Darwin was the only one I had to watch out for. Apparently not. This week Shadow was caught in the act of doing the very same thing! Three times he bum rushed my bedroom door like Darwin, and gained entrance because I didn't expect him to do that! Obviously Shadow learned that from Darwin....

Now, I've got TWO stinkers to watch out for......  ::sigh::

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